Saturday, July 17, 2010
Close Conformity

"Well-restored architecture, high quality well-tuned textures, appropriate placement of terrain and vegetation: there is something fascinating, albeit sinister and decadent (as also appears from the note) in this noble castle, perfectly returned by this fascinating composition - a really impressive model!"
At the same time I sent to his Google profile an email like this:
"Hi Stanisław! compliments for your truly fascinating model... but chimneys seem a bit out of tune because they are too "new" ... Best regards, Enrico D."
A return post came his polite answer:
"Hi Enrico. Thank you. I was personally in Pidhirtsi in September 2009 and in June 2010. Chimneys and roof of the palace have been renovated. Please see picture taken by me. Best regards, Stanisław L."
Let me make some brief remarks:
- when we build a model we - basically - have to be as faithful as possible to the original
- some exceptions can be made in special cases eg in the case of work in progress, or to reduce complexity
- the model of Stanisław is very pleasant, but you immediately notice the fireplaces "too new": on the one hand this may possibly disturb the Genius Loci, but then we must admit that this fact adds another touch to the mystery that already emanates from the entire composition...
- it's a very complex question to be resolved!

Last night I could not sleep because I thought the castle and its chimneys ... but then I fell asleep, and appeared to me in a dream the ghost of the castle (the Genius Loci!) who said:

"Oh Enrico, you can sleep in peace:
I really like the model of Stanisław,
and if you want to know just what I think
about the chimneys, well, I'll have to say..."
At this point the alarm has sounded: it was 7 o'clock and started a new day.
The refined striking image of Don Quijote / Ghost / Genius Loci by Eberhard Schlotter is drawn from the splendid edition published by Das Bücherhaus Krähenwinkel, Mainz 1989 (see Greetings)