Sunday, June 30, 2013


Appendix B1 - Testing a 3D Machine

Some instructive experiments with the Autodesk 123D Generator

Ten photographs of a church on a hill - usual photos, each of 150 KB.

May they be sufficient to automatically create a realistic 3D model using the Photogrammetry's techniques?

This is what we will see in this appendix!

Enrico Dalbosco (Arrigo Silva) - Padova, June 30, 2013

The Autodesk 123D-Catch Generator Machine
© Enrico Dalbosco (Arrigo Silva) April-June 2013
Last update: June 30, 2013

Index of contents

PART 4 - [... work in process ...]
Appendix B1 - The Autodesk 123D-Catch Generator Machine <== Current Post
Appendix C - Our Old Models Now Very Slim


Following those in Appendix B, in this appendix I present some experiments I carried out on an interesting and intriguing site that provides at our disposal (free of charge) an automatic 3D Models Generator.

I have personally done some tests by sending photos (or shots) and getting in a few minutes the corresponding 3D models, as you can see below.

Some references:
- the site is
- the function that we can use to get the models is the 123D-Catch
- to use the features of the site we need to register
- we must provide as input to 123D-Catch from 7 to 70 photographs of an object or scene
- within a few (some) minutes 123D-Catch creates a 3D model viewable and downloadable
- in the site there are thousands of 123D-Catch models created with the users photos

Warning. The tests I did not purport to deal with all the features and all the possibilities of Autodesk 123D-Catch, and are not sufficient to issue a judgment made ​​about this product, that nevertheless seems to me very interesting and innovative - but I think they prove of public interest and allow us to make some stimulating thoughts on the possibilities and limitations of machines for automatic generation of 3D models of objects and also of buildings, blocks of city and whole countries.

B1-0 THE 3G [123D-Catch] MACHINE

In accordance with Appendix B, here's how we can outline the context in wich
the 3G123D-Catch Machine works:

Some clarifications:
  • the user is limited to providing normal photographs taken around the object
  • the number of shots can vary from a minimum of 7 to a maximum of 70
  • there are no limits binding of focal length, size, quality, and other camera settings
  • the number of shots can vary from a minimum of 7 to a maximum of 70
  • the shots can be provided in any order
  • 123D-Catch tries always to create the corresponding 3D model, although incomplete
  • the resulting 3D Model is shown to the users via a proper online feature and can be downloaded as .stl file
  • all the control parameters of 123D-Catch are not accessible to the user (to be precise, the user can only set the final quality of the model as "normal" or "high")
  • 123D-Catch does not use geo-referenced objects or info related to the territory (consistently with the fact that the photographs are not georeferenced)


For the first test I used one of my ceramic model that represents a small church on top of a hill - I created this and many other original models in ceramic after attending, with my wife, a ceramics course at Nove Bassano, Italy, in the 1990s; you can see this model in my site at

Revolving around this little model (about 10x9x9 cm) I took exactly 10 photographs as if I was flying around a real landscape with my ultralight airplane.

The original pictures (which you can download from the model on site are approx 1000x1000 pixels and each occupies less than 150 KB - the quality is quite good, although some came a bit moved (but I left them on purpose, to see what was going on).

I uploaded these 10 pictures to the, I waited a few minutes, I made some other operations to assign a title, description, etc. and to validate the model and I finally got the 3D Model fully auto-generated by the 3G123D-Catch Machine.

Here is the screen that shows the generated model and allows the 3D visualization (arrow at the bottom left) and download any of the model (arrow at the top right):

click on the picture to view the 3D autogenerated model on!

And here are some views of self-generated model:

(I have obtained the last view with Photoshop by partially melting a view "Material only" with a "Outlines only")

What do you think?

Some considerations:
  • I must confess that I was amazed by the simplicity of the procedure, the speed of the result and also by its quality
  • circling the 3D model you may notice some imperfections, more visible from some points of view, especially in the rendering of sharp objects (ag cypress tower)
  • in correspondence of the rear base, the model generated has a hole, probably due to the fact that the photographs - at that point - were a bit overexposed
  • other imperfections we can note in the point in which the model is connected with the base (a white sheet of paper) on which I had posed it
  • the model was created using a dense enough network of triangles (shown in wireframe mode); the size of the triangles is fairly constant
  • the generated model weighs 2.6 MB of which 1.15 MB can be (probably) attributed to the textures


For the second test I chose one of my SketchUp models particularly simple and well-textured: a box of candy in the shape of a parallelepiped decorated with wonderful paintings of Norman Rockwell, which I used to illustrate my article "Rockwell's Candies, A personal approach to 3D Model evaluation".

Around this model I took 18 shots using the Export>2D Graphic function with Options>Width=1000pixel, Height=768 pixels, Better quality highest.

And this is the resulting 3D Model fully auto-generated by the 3G123D-Catch Machine from my 18 photos:

click on the picture to view the 3D autogenerated model on!

Also in this case the result appears pleasant and of good quality, but we can make some considerations highlighting the differences from Test #1 (A church on the hill):
  • all the shots were taken in conditions that can be considered optimal in comparison with what you can get with a camera: it is used the function of Export SketchUp to create a perfect homogeneity of "camera lens" of lights, shadows etc.
  • nevertheless also in this model the imperfections we can note low but pretty obvious deformations albeit rounded edges and corners of the box
  • in this case there appears no holes in the walls of the box
  • we can note slight imperfections in the model base (a white tongue a bit wavy)
  • the model weighs only about 1 MB, and is therefore much lighter than the previous though the textures sent to me are much heavier (but perhaps the 3D Machine has not used them all)
  • the geometric structure of the model is still made up of a fairly homogeneous grid of triangles that remain, however, enough dense even where they are used to represent a strictly flat wall (in my model all the walls of the box are perfectly plane)


For the third test I created with SketchUp a model of house deliberately simple and "strange", with some of the walls without doors or windows and painted with colors perfectly flat.
To tell the truth I had initially laid out flat even the roof and the base, but the 3D Machine was not able to process my shots... :( , and so I had to fall on the model partially textured.

Around this model I took 12 shots using the Export>2D Graphic function with Options>Width=1000pixel, Height=768 pixels, Better quality highest.

And this is the resulting 3D Model fully auto-generated by the 3G123D-Catch Machine from my 12 photos:

click on the picture to view the 3D autogenerated model on!

In this case the result is disappointing in comparison to the two previous cases, but you have to think that Catch-123D is a machine that works on photos "real" of real objects and not on shots "fictitious" of 3D models! However, we can make a few considerations, once again highlighting the differences from Test #1 (A church on the hill) and #2 (Rockwell's Candies):
  • even if the shots were equatable (as quality etc.) to those of Test #2, the result has serious fault that compromise the quality of the result
  • the machine was able to interpret well the ground and the wall with the windows, because he had "frequent" and precise references, while on the flat walls did not know how to behave, so it let them incomplete; also on the roof, which also was well textured very flat and sharp, the machine has been misled (perhaps because it has misinterpreted the light-and-dark" tiles)
  • and finally also in this case the geometry is based on a dense network of small triangles that appear only a little less dense on the perfectly plane walls


In the Autodesck 123D website there are a lot of other intriguing models autogenerated from a lot of users.

Some of these models are of particular interest to the central theme of the article to which this Appendix refers. I will limit myself to pointing out some, possibly leaving you the pleasure of making further discoveries. Here therefore I propose to you some images, clicking on which you can view the page in the corresponding model.

Berlin Church (22.0 MB)
by Neffra Matthews

Casa Pojnar Oradea Romania (9.9 MB)
by Gabriel Popa

Heptapyrgion (5.3 MB)
by Kostas Chaidemenos

Sagene Kirke (18.0 MB)
by Ronald Kabicek


The number and quality of the tests performed and the cases examined does not allow me to give an accurate overall assessment on the 3G123D-Catch Machine.

I should in fact perform other tests and experiments to understand and demonstrate, for example, whether and how it is possible for the user to improve the quality of results by providing more relevant photos - as a number of shots, their quality, the views used etc.

However, I can, at the moment, draw the following tentative conclusions:
  • the machine proves to be able to operate even when the photographs do not completely describe the object to be represented, still generating a cloud of points in the right positions in the three-dimensional space and appropriately colored in accordance with the corresponding photographs
  • the geometry created by the machine consists of a grid of triangles that covers all surfaces always keeping quite busy even when the surfaces to be represented are perfectly flat (this makes me think that it does not adopt specific strategies to optimize the complexity)
  • the machine works very well with sharp, rich-textured photos, while failing to correctly interpret photographs with plane surfaces with flat colors
  • more investigation is needed to understand why certain distortions at critical points, edges and corners, and to understand how any shortcomings (or characteristics) in the photographs (level of definition, objectives used, brightness, lights and shadows, focus) and the consistency of photographs (eg lights and shadows, moving objects) can affect the final resulting quality and complexity
  • one thing we can say with some certainty: there are still good room for improvement (quality, complexity, control parameters) that will surely be exceeded.

In a nutshell: the examined machine looks very interesting, innovative, powerful and fun to use: you get the impression that it can magically reproduce various and very complex objects with a few well-taken photographs - but also that at present it is very difficult to obtain, with any degree of certainty "a priori", perfect and smudge results.


See you next episode...


Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Auto-generated 3D Models - Appendix B

Meet The BIG-3D-GENERATOR Machine

An automatic machine to create a 3D model of the whole world from aerial shots...

One of the oldest dreams of mankind is taking place - isn't it?

In this appendix we'll define this intriguing machine, and begin to examine some of its interesting features and practical implementations and applications.

Enrico Dalbosco (Arrigo Silva) - Padova, June 18, 2013
© Enrico Dalbosco (Arrigo Silva) April-June 2013
Last update: June 18, 2013

Index of contents

PART 4 - [... work in process ...]
Appendix B - THE BIG-3D-GENERATOR MACHINE <== Current Post
Appendix C - Our Old Models Now Very Slim


Introduction [boring but to read...]

This appendix presents two aspects: a seemingly theoretical aspect, namely the definitions of the generating machines of the series B3G, and a noticeably much more practical aspect, namely the identification of the potentialities and limitations of these machines - and consequently of the auto-generated models.

I have no particular specific titles in the theoretical field on 3D modeling (I am an electronics engineer, I have worked in the computer field, and I am just a curious person who tries to keep informed on the progress of science) and then I don't pretend to spread "The Scientific Word" about Stereoscopy, Photogrammetry, Computer Science or whatever... Consequently I invite you to take what you read with a pinch of salt - and to help me to overcome any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this paper.

But I have from my side long weeks - maybe months - passed in designing 3D models, in examining and choosing dozens (hundreds) of photographs, in identifying geometries and handling textures, in trying to build the correct interfaces with the Google Earth terrain... and then I think I can understand and imagine what should get, have, know, do, etc. an automatic machine generating 3D models on the basis of more or less aerial photographs - and of course consujlting a number of documents about these topics I could found on the web.

So I hope that this brief dissertation does not bother you, but can in fact be useful to objectively define what can do the machines and what they can NOT do but can do we, passionate builders of 3D models.



The dream of recreating the world (or at least a partial view of the world) to all-round is as old as humanity. Not satisfied with the possibilities offered by the sculpture and the perspective drawing, in the 1830s sir Charles Wheatstone (Gloucester 1802 - Paris 1875) invented the Stereoscopy, a technique that allows us to see a three-dimensional scene observing two slightly different images on a simple device that convey each image to the proper eye.

At first Stereoscopy used two drawn images, but towards the end of the [nineteenth] century, given the enormous progress of photography, the stereoscopic images were produced with cameras, and this technique was perfected to the point that Kodak built and marketed a special camera with two lenses, which guaranteed the right distance of the two views and the simultaneity of the shots.

The following figure shows how at the beginning of 1900 a man could have taken from space a "three-dimensional photograph" using the wonder "Box Brownie" (always because he could ride a space rocket, perhaps of those foretold by Jules Verne, Nantes 1828, Amiens 1905 ;) and then re-view and share with relatives and friends the same perfectly realistc three-dimensional scene through the simple Holmes's viewer.

The figure shows that, already in the early 1900s, using the best available technologies (Quality Setting knob set to a high value) the final result could have been very realistic, as long as they had shot sharp and coherent photographs, taken by appropriate points of view and at the same time.

But what now concerns us most is to observe the relative simplicity of that technology, and to reflect on the quality level of the entire process and then the 3D representation so obtained.
SIMPLICITY - You have to take two photographs at a proper distance from each other - the only caveat is that the object to be represented does not move between one shot and the other. It's for this reason that the machine Kodak is really useful because it ensures (in addition to right distance between the lenses) also the absolute simultaneity of the two shots.
QUALITY LEVEL - The process is very simple and straightforward: you take two photographs, develop them, put themselves in the viewer and look them. The quality depends mainly on the quality of the two photographs, and that is the quality of the celluloid, of the camera lenses, of the development and press, and finally of the lens (if any) of the viewer. All these factors are individually upgradeable in order to improve the quality of the result, that will depend (as is typical in these cases) from the weakest link in the chain.

Here we can observe that this technology has spawned many applications still in use and in expansion today, up to 3D cinema (see on the right the icon of the famous Avatar) - of course the old viewers have been replaced by disparate devices for representing and displaying 3D images (viewers, projectors, screens, glasses) that use various principles and materials.
The quality of these representations may today be considered very high and such as to return a vision almost identical to reality - and in any case intended to further sure improvements.


It's been about a century after the invention of stereoscopy, and inventions, discoveries technological improvements etc. have succeeded - in increasingly frantic manner.

After the old cameras were invented other more sophisticated instruments to capture the various aspects of the world and the universe: radar, radio telescopes, sonar, laser applications, etc.. On the other hand 3D tools are available that allow to build virtual 3D models, to store, distribute and display them not only on personal computers but on a large number of devices and platforms. They have also made important studies, and developed o build automatically (or semi-automatically) 3D models of small objects of centimeters and large objects such as statues, buildings, mountains etc.

The time seems ripe to then allow us to define an Abstract Machine which we will name
that lets us automatically create 3D Models from a digital input that contains all the information necessary for a realistic representation of the world.

At first we will define an Abstract B3G Machine assuming that it can perform any reasonable operation in accordance with today's advanced technologies, identifying its main characteristics and examining what kind of results it can produce.

In a second step, of course, we will also be concerned with Real B3G Machines today effectively running, trying to identify their features and especially what results they can produce.

The following illustration shows the machine B3G contest, highlighting the close analogies with those of the Stereoscopy of YESTERDAY - of course this is an evocative image, which is not to be taken literally (in the following we'll provide additional details.

This figure shows the similarities with the Stereoscopy of "YESTERDAY", although the whole process is more and more complex and requires deeper transformations on input data to get the final result.

Here it must immediately report the main difference between our B3G and the stereoscopic machine of YESTERDAY, namely:

the old stereoscopic machine fixed a "specific scene"
(only one view of the reality choosen between the infinite possible views)
so we can review it only from those point of view
the new B3G Machine aspires to capture a whole "block of reality"
exactly "as it is" so we can review it from all possible points of view

It is evident that the B3G Machines will have different characteristics depending on the size and characteristics of the models to reproduce - from Axial Tomography to reproduction of small object such as vases or artifacts, from manufacturing applications to the reproduction of entire buildings, monuments, cities and nations - as intend to do some distributors of services such as Google.


But now let us restrict our investigation to the machines that generate 3D models for Google Earth from georeferenced photographs, and define the B3G* Machine.

We define the B3G* Machine
as a machine that generates automatically 3D Models
for Google Earth on the basis of georeferenced
digital inputs taken from a number of points of view.

Let us now provide a slightly more formal a diagram of the context in which the B3G* Machine operates.

The diagram shows the context in which the B3G* works (the asterisc indicates the "general purpose" machine)
The model of Roman Grating old farm-house was realized by Arrigo Silva, June 2008.

And here's a brief description of the B3G* Machine:
  • the purpose of the 3DG* machine is to produce a 3D model of the portion of the world (or "block of reality") localized in a position specified in Control Parameters
  • B3G* can accept as input Georeferenced Digital Views of the "block of reality" to reproduce (they can be photos taken from various points of view or 3D Maps or other digital inputs)
  • in the placement of the models B3G* takes into account the information relating to the altimetry (Google Earth Terrain database) and to other models or information already stored in the Google Earth Layers database
  • B3G* operates on the basis of instructions, rules and algorithms stored in the Rules database
  • among the many parameters that control the automatic creation of the models, particularly importance is the Quality Level, which determines (inter alia) the degree of precision of the 3D model to be produced
  • the 3D Models auto-generated are made available as 3D objects and are placed in the appropriate level of the Google Earth Layers

Particularly important in the working process are the two steps schematized in the following schema (THE PROCESS CORE) and that is the step define geometry wich provides for the creation of the geometric structure of the 3D model (edges and faces, for instance) and the later step texturize in which this structure is coated with the appropriate textures.

Of course the description that I have provided so far may seem rudimentary, but nonetheless it is enough to give us an idea, as well of the B3G* Marchine complexity, also of its main features in order to better sketch and explain its potentialities and its limits.


As in any system, and thus for our B3G* Machine, the rule is that the quality of the final result depends on the quality of the various steps of the tranformation process but also, of course, on the quality of the input information (according to the ancient GIGO law ;)

Since B3G* Machine is proposed ambitiously to reproduce the whole world, capturing and processing (not only "one-off" but perhaps periodically) a wealth of information to produce a result original and unpublished on such a vast scale, it is logical to expect that the most modern technologies are heavily involved in this enterprise, and that the right choice can be decisive for the success of the operation in terms of cost, time and quality.

Therefore it seems to me important to make a mention of the most significant technological approaches that should be used for the provision of the appropriate digital inputs and to ensure efficiency and efficacy in the transformation ensuring the right quality of the results.

Put in a nutshell, as I understand the methods practiced today can be divided into two main categories:
A) methods using the traditional approach based on georeferenced photos
B) methods using an innovative approach based on 3D MAPS (of LiDAR type) and georeferenced photos


This approach uses the photos (georeferenced isometric views and/or other georeferenced views) just to accomplish the most complex transformation of the whole process: identifying and derive the geometry of the objects. The algorithm is based on techniques and methods of Photogrammetry, and plans to seek the likely edges of the objects searching for the discontinuities present in the various photographs, and thus strengthening the true edges and then the faces, bringing to define the complete geometry of the 3D Model (see the first step estimate geometry in the figure below).
The same, or other, photographs are then used to texturize the 3D Model.


With this innovative approach, however, we have available, in addition to regular photographs, also 3D Georeferenced Maps already done and sure, provided as a "points cloud" (such those obtained with the LiDAR technology, as we can see later). The first step (see the figure below) shall "simply" join and combine the nearby and perfectly integrable maps to get all the points of an object and then convert the resulting "points clouds" into edges and faces without having to consider any photographs - and so bringing to define the complete geometry of the 3D Model. The standard photographs are used only in the second step that provides to texturize the 3D Model.

The LiDAR technology (Light Detecting And Ranging)

Unlike the conventional camera, which passively records the light coming from the outside world, the method LiDAR plans to send a light impulse to "a number of points" of the outside world and to record, for each point, the time taken by impulse to go back. Since the sender of the impulse can know exactly where it is and the direction in which emitting the impulse, a trigonometric calculation allows to establish the coordinates of the points probed.
In simple terms, the LiDAR can be compared to a very strong three-dimensional radar that provides a "three-dimensional cloud" of the points probed - incidentally, the LiDAR is not limited to providing the coordinates, but also associates to each point probed interesting and potentially useful information about its nature!

[The picture above, showing the ALS (Airborne Laser Scanning) application that uses the LiDAR technology, is taken from the paper "The Light Fantastic, Using airborne lidar in archaeological survey" - HENGLISH HERITAGE, 2010]


The two approaches appear complex and very different from each other both in gathering and in processing information, and it is not a simple task to judge which is the best, or the cheapest, or the most accurate: so I will confine myself to make some purely personal and qualitative considerations.

My impression is that the innovative approach appears successful because it is able to obtain a well-defined 3D object (the "cloud of points") directly from reality using sophisticated and precise instruments. Although this object is not completely self-consistent, as it is constituted by a partial view of the piece of reality examined, it however is perfectly integrable with other partial views (ie "points clouds") complementary or partially overlapping.

Another aspect that seems to me the benefit of the innovative approach consists of what in my opinion is the greatest weakness of the traditional approach: namely, that of having to obtain a 3D configuration from a number of photographs taken necessarily from different points of view. To get a result of high quality and reliability, such photographs should be taken simultaneously or at least over a very short time, and in lighting and lights/shadows situation very similar - all conditions often difficult or even impossible to reach, and intended to drive up costs increasing the complexity.

So, with regard to the most delicate phase of the generation of the 3D model, I believe that the innovative approach is able to produce 3D models more reliable and robust, more closely to reality, more detailed and then perfectly integrable with the other 3D models of the surrounding reality.


Precisely by virtue of the fact the B3G* Machine intends to freeze the real world - or at least a "piece of world" - as it appears in a certain "instant" (and precisely in a certain minute of a certain hour of a certain day of a certain month of a certain season of a certain year) it may be subject to some points of weakness.

First, there are clear limits on the timing for then freezing the reality, or the piece of reality, as not all moments are suited to the acquisition of several or numerous views are required to compose a part of the world (eg an entire metropolis) - due to weather conditions, visibility etc.. For the same reason it could be difficult to obtain a consistent 3D representation of a large territory.

One of the biggest problems seems to me to be comprised of the "unstable" objects, ie by moving objects (pedestrians, cars, trucks, etc.) or by objects that evolve more or less quickly (work in progress, renovations, etc.) that introduce [often] bothering elements which [perhaps] can hide most important stable objects (for example significative monuments).

A further problem is caused by vegetation (trees, parks, even considering the large seasonal variations in certain climates), and by objects with very thin or slender structure (poles, fences, fences, etc..), or by very complex objects (monuments, statues, columns, etc.)


In this section I show an auto-generated 3D Model of a "piece of world" present as today in the experimental area of Rome in the new version of Google Maps.

The 3D Model looks just auto-generated by a B3G Machine functioning according to the traditional approach based solely on [four] isometric photographs processed with techniques of Photogrammetry.

The same machine, that we can call B3G4x, allows you to process an input well standardized (the 4 isometric views) and pick up a photographic campaign aerial patrolling an entire region with a path similar to that shown in the figure on the right.
In my opinion this B3G4x Machine was used to get most of the models [with some... exceptions] in the various experimental areas of Google Maps in the areas of New York, Tokyo, etc.

The next figure shows that the B3G4x Machine at work while generating the 3D Model of the Basilica of Santa Francesca Romana in Rome, using its four isometric views.

Now I'll show you the inputs and outputs of the B3G4x Machine, and precisely:
- the map view of the Basilica (not used by the machine in texturize step)
- the four photos (isometric views) used by the machine to generate the model
- two shots of the Basilica scrren-printed from Google Earth

Then I'll show a few pictures of the auto-generated model and the corresponding hand-made model uploaded in 3D Warehouse and promoted on the photorealistic layer of Google Earth.

The picture below shows a view of the Google Earth terrain with the Basilica:

And now, behold the four isometric views relating to the same area (taken from Bing Maps, since I don't acquire those of Google) though, as you can see, they are not exactly the ones that have been used by B3G - but this small difference does not affect the final result.

And this is the final result as it appeared May 30, 2013:

Of course now it is natural to compare the result of the machine B3G with those obtained from a human modeler of 3D Warehouse. So I've chosen the 3D model of the Basilica "Santa Francesca Romana" created four years ago (June 7, 2009) by our colleague Andrea Pittalis, better known as saikindi - of this model I present below the facade and, in the following, some comparison pictures with the one created by B3G.

It is not my intention here to compare the auto-generated 3D Model with that hand-created by a skilled modeller - I rather think about the quality of the auto-generated 3D Model and wondering if and how its quality, yet rather coarse, can be improved using the same B3G4x Machine old-approach" with a better Quality Level, and what results they can obtain using a B3G3DMaps Machine innovative-approach".

I think that Google, before long, will provide the answers to this and other questions!


I conclude this appendix showing some examples of models (almost certainly) auto-generated.

The first image is taken from Google Maps new version, and is the St. Peter's Cathedral in Adelaide (Australia). As you can see its structure looks nice even if you notice some oversimplifications - by applying the Method of classification 3D Models that I have proposed in May 2010 (see illustration on the right), the structure can be classified as G1 with a few detail of G2 - a bit too little, in my opinion, for this interesting Cathedral.

The Cathedral of St. Peter, Adelaide (Australia) from new versione of Google Maps (June 2013)

The next two images (screen-printed) refer to the same Cathedral viewable in the clip provided by aero3Dpro on YouTube, while the last two images (also screen-printed) refer to other views always in Adelaide. These four images, which could be classified as [almost] G3, appear more rich in detail and more refined in buildings, in the vegetation etc.

The Cathedral of St. Peter and other views in Adelaide (Australia)
from HR 3D models of North Adelaide in Google Earth - aero3Dpro


Do the facts, the pictures and the considerations exposed so far about auto-generated models leave a space (and how big - or small...) to human modelers?

On these and other topics we can treat in the oncoming Part 4.


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