Monday, April 29, 2013
Auto-generated 3D Models - PART 1
Padua, April 2013
In this article (wich will consist of 3 posts) I intend to compare the 3D Warehouse/Google Earth models made by us, human modelers, with the 3D Google Earth models obtained automatically using algorithms and techniques of photogrammetry.
These auto-generated 3D Models are actually [April 2013] shown by default [at least for Google Earth Version 7.0.2 for Windows Vista] in the experimental stage in some areas of the world [including the center of the city of Rome] in the photorealistic layer of Google Earth.
Here I would like to make a constructive contribution to the knowledge and deeper understanding of this important and strategic matter exposing what seem to me - as of today - the pros and cons, the advantages and disadvantages of the two extreme alternatives, assuming and hoping that in the future may be taken more flexible choices that would maximize the benefits and minimize the disadvantages.
Enrico Dalbosco (Arrigo Silva)
In this article (wich will consist of 3 posts) I intend to compare the 3D Warehouse/Google Earth models made by us, human modelers, with the 3D Google Earth models obtained automatically using algorithms and techniques of photogrammetry.
These auto-generated 3D Models are actually [April 2013] shown by default [at least for Google Earth Version 7.0.2 for Windows Vista] in the experimental stage in some areas of the world [including the center of the city of Rome] in the photorealistic layer of Google Earth.
Here I would like to make a constructive contribution to the knowledge and deeper understanding of this important and strategic matter exposing what seem to me - as of today - the pros and cons, the advantages and disadvantages of the two extreme alternatives, assuming and hoping that in the future may be taken more flexible choices that would maximize the benefits and minimize the disadvantages.
Enrico Dalbosco (Arrigo Silva)
© Enrico Dalbosco (Arrigo Silva) April-May 2013
Last update: Apr 29, 2013
Index of contents
PART 1 - ENVIRONMENT <== Current Post
1. Introduction
2. The most common Scenarios representing the Earth
3. My early observations on the Scenarios
1. Introduction
2. The most common Scenarios representing the Earth
3. My early observations on the Scenarios
4. Man VS Machine: A Visual Comparison between Scenarios X,Y
5. The Visual Characteristics of the Scenarios X,Y
5.1 The Visual Impression Summary Table
5.2 Comparing the Scenarios X,Y according to the Visual Impressions
4. Man VS Machine: A Visual Comparison between Scenarios X,Y
5. The Visual Characteristics of the Scenarios X,Y
5.1 The Visual Impression Summary Table
5.2 Comparing the Scenarios X,Y according to the Visual Impressions
PART 3 - WHAT FUTURE... ? <== work in process
More about 3D representation / Factors which influence the evaluation of the Scenarios / Pros and Cons for the USERS and SUPPLIERS / What future for the current 3D Warehouse modelers? / Conclusions
More about 3D representation / Factors which influence the evaluation of the Scenarios / Pros and Cons for the USERS and SUPPLIERS / What future for the current 3D Warehouse modelers? / Conclusions

A difficult choice for our Sancho Panza, as a new judge of Barataria! They ask him to judge whether are better the models produced directly by humans or by machines and algorithms produced by humans... But don't warry: he knows how to draw himself out of trouble in embarrassing situations!
The picture on the lower left represents a view of Saint Peter's Square with auto-generated 3D objects (as of April 22, 2013) while that on the right shows 3D models hand-created by 3D Warehouse modelers - in the foreground you can see my 3D model of St Peter's Basilica with Bernini's Colonnade (placed in 3D Warehouse at January 3, 2011). Later in this article I will take you through several other detailed pictures of these two scenarios.
The picture on the lower left represents a view of Saint Peter's Square with auto-generated 3D objects (as of April 22, 2013) while that on the right shows 3D models hand-created by 3D Warehouse modelers - in the foreground you can see my 3D model of St Peter's Basilica with Bernini's Colonnade (placed in 3D Warehouse at January 3, 2011). Later in this article I will take you through several other detailed pictures of these two scenarios.
0. Summary
[ ... work in process ... ]
1. Introduction

The reasons that led the human race to these representations are likely to be religious, practical and perhaps even purely aesthetic.
In more recent times (and already in the historical period) the humanity began to represent also its territory, and the geometry gave a great impetus to the science of measuring (-metry) the earth (geo), first as a "land to cultivate," and then as "world to conquire" or "world through which travel". Thereby were born the first 2D cartographic representations that have been gradually refined reaching in the nineteenth century a very high degree of precision.

2. The most common Scenarios representing the Earth (in 3D)
But let's now jump into the present day, and see how many and which are the most common Scenarios representing the world (ground + roads, houses, bridges, buildings etc.)
Warning: in this discussion I want as much as possible, regardless from commercial products, manufacturers or brands, to provide only some basic concepts without claiming to provide a "scientific" description of the various representations.

A pictures collection (or Database of Images) searchable for keywords, for example "Rome St Peter", like google/images, flickr and many others.
Notes: each supplier offers its users a number of additional features of search, selection, filter etc.

A pictures collection (or Database of Images) mainly oriented to the Earth terrain, that presents the geo-tagged photographs placed at the point (identified by geographic coordinates) in which they have been taken (or in which is the represented object).
Notes: each supplier offers its users a number of additional features.

It provides the illusion of viewing the flat terrain of an Earth in the form of a perfect sphere flying in a plane that can move in any direction and at any height from the ground, with the further possibility to turn the gaze in any direction.
Notes: the illusion is provided using orthogonal photographs of the terrain seamless glued.

It provides the illusion of viewing the relieved terrain of the Earth flying in a plane that can move in any direction and at any height from the ground, with the further possibility to turn the gaze in any direction.
Notes: the illusion is provided using photographs seamless glued (as in A1) projected on unevennesses of the actual Earth terrain (with hills, mountains, etc.)

It provides the illusion of moving on some "fixed routes" (usually the main roads) across the world on foot (from a constant height of about 3 meters) and to be able to turn the gaze almost in any direction.
Notes: the illusion is provided using "panoramic photographs" taken at appropriate intervals (tens of meters) along the routes.

It provides the illusion to fly over the world in a plane traveling at a constant height from the ground with the four possible canonical inclinations (that allow you, for instance, to see "the four sides" of a parallelepiped-shaped building).
Notes: the illusion is provided using four sets of axonometric photographs (seamless connected) and canonically inclined at the four cardinal points.

It provides the illusion to fly over the actual world (terrain+building etc.) in a plane that can move in any direction and at any height from the ground, with the further possibility to turn the gaze in any direction.
Note: the illusion is provided using a large number of 3D models that represent the objects that protrude from the terrain; these 3D models have been hand-created by 3D modelers.

This scenario is analogous to the previous, with the difference that the 3D models are created and maintained automatically by standardized procedures using appropriate techniques and algorithms of Photogrammetry.
Two words about Photogrammetry
Refer to:
Photogrammetry can be understood with a set of principles, criteria, techniques and tools to automatically get a "3D model", complete of geometry and textures, starting from a set of photographs taken according to appropriate standards. In principle, the photographs are scanned and analyzed using sophisticated techniques of pattern recognition in order to identify discontinuities and thus to define the edges, faces and textures, and all the information necessary to define a complete 3D model.
The following pictures can give you a first idea of this technique.

You can gather other info searching Google for Automatic 3D city modeling, or Photogrammetry or similar keywords. From your research you will notice that papers and news are rather few and often not significant - I think that this happens not because these topics are not of current interest, but because they are of great importance even from a commercial point of view - but this is only my humble opinion.
3. My early observations about the Scenarios
In Table 1 below I present a summary of the scenarios described above, also providing - for each scenario - some objective information (INPUT, COVERAGE, NAVIGATION) plus my estimates with respect to the degree of interest that the scenarios may have for certain TYPES OF USERS and finally my qualitative estimate of managerial and organizational complexity (and, therefore, EFFORT) required by a hypothetical organization to create it and keep it updated.
INPUT = the main information that constitutes the input of the scenario
COVERAGE = areas of Earth covered by the scenario
NAVIGATION = human-machine interface complexity for the navigation in the scenario
B.Traveler = degree of interest for the scenario from ...people who travel the world for business
Tourist = ...people who travel the world for fun, curiosity, knowledge
Lover = ...people who travel (or who want to learn more) for hobby, passion or work
EFFORT = managerial and organizational complexity related to the scenario
* to *** = DEGREE OF INTEREST from low to high
+ to ++++++ = EFFORT from low to very height
TABLE 1 - Most Common Scenarios Representing Earth (in 3D) | |||||||
Traveler | Tourist | Lover | |||||
A1) Pic Collection | photos | pratically the whole earth | [s.engine] | * | *** | *** | + |
A2) Pic Geolocated | terrain + photos | pratically the whole earth | simple | ** | *** | *** | + |
B1) Earth Flat | aerial orthogonal photos | pratically the whole earth | simple | * | * | - | + |
B2) Earth Relieved | 3D elevations + aerial orthogonal photos | pratically the whole earth | intermediate | ** | ** | * | ++ |
C) Street View | panoramic photos at head height | selected areas | complex | *** | *** | ** | +++ |
D) Oblique 4x | aerial 4x axonometric photos | selected areas | simple | *** | *** | ** | +++ |
Y) Hand 3D Models | photos, papers, culture,... | selected areas + leopard's spots | complex+ | ** | ??? see later | ??? see later | ++++++ |
X) Auto 3D Models | aerial axonometric photos (+ other photos) | selected areas | complex+ | ** | ??? see later | ??? see later | +++ |
Warning: the values assigned to the columns are the result of my personal opinions and evaluations, but I would be happy to know the opinions and evaluations of the readers!
As can be seen from the table, the current offer is very diverse and rich and that Scenarios A, B, C, D cover very well - at least in my personal opinion - the needs of users (if not perhaps their expectations!?)
And you can also see that in Scenarios X, Y I left deliberately incomplete [???] some estimates, also by virtue of the fact that their discussion will be carried out in the following sections.

When I started writing this article, 10 days ago, I did it under the... quixotic displeasure (euphemistic expression) to see the 3D model of St. Peter's Square in Rome made by a machine placed by default instead of my hard-earned model.

Without anticipating the contents of the upcoming episodes, which will be filled with images, tables and considerations, I can say that - after all - the devil is not always as bad and ugly as he is painted...
Let us compare, for example, the two images of Don Quijote with Sancho who ride the prodigious Mechanical Horse Clavileno above St. Peter's Square "auto-generated" as in Scenario E2.
I don't know what you think of them, but I say that the first image, that big (about 650x650 pixel), is very difficult to digest...
Then look at that little image below: it is exactly the same as that big, apart from the size - but...

Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Thanks cgilbert!
cgilbert is a 3D Warehouse user who has worked in the years 2007-2008 and has created two models that have been positively reviewed by several REAL modelers.
Here I want to thank him for giving me only four stars + a useful comment...
Here I want to thank him for giving me only four stars + a useful comment...
Hi "cgilbert",

In those distant times (about 2007) we were "young" enthusiasts modelers and were re-creating - building by building, church by church - a magical virtual world, trying to make it as pleasant as possible.
The true story (still verifiable in the 3D Warehouse) that I want to remind happened just in those years, and saw you as protagonist - a bit as the "Knight of the White Moon" you see pictured on the right (click on image to view it in full page), which seems to fight against Don Quijote but actually dismounts him because he loves him well!
So, we are young modelers... In early 2008, after weeks of gestation, I realized my first challenging model, the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua (my city) that has collected in a few weeks few positive reviews that stimulated me to project and create other new models.

But then came the cold shower: a certain Mr. "cgilbert" gave me a **** (four stars) with the following review:
"For now I'll give you four stars, but if you improve [... the textures ...] I'll give you five stars"
(I do not remember the exact words, but the tone was that)Of course I stayed there very badly, because at that time four stars were considered (rightly or wrongly) a disgrace, but I have rolled up my sleeves, I made the improvements - and you, "cgilbert", were the word, you gave me really the "five stars" with this comment still visible in the 3D Warehouse:

I'm very proud of this review and this model, even if - as many 3D models for Google Earth - is far from perfection.

You were perhaps a bit unpleasant, maybe a little hard, but you helped me a lot, much much more than many 5 stars given sometimes too generously even with enthusiastic comments as "Stunning!, striking!, incredible!, ...!"
Best regards
Enrico Dalbosco (Arrigo Silva) - Padua, April 10, 2013

Sunday, April 7, 2013
Hi Joe (Joes)...
"Joe" (and... "Joes") are all those fake 3D Warehouse users that pollute the community with their false and tendentious "Reviews" - they can be true crazies (?), mimic crazies, friends of friends, enemies of enemies, etc. etc.
If you already know them, or maybe you're one of them, go ahead. If not, read below, because maybe you'll discover something you did not know!
If you already know them, or maybe you're one of them, go ahead. If not, read below, because maybe you'll discover something you did not know!
Hi Joe (Joes)...
I hope not to offend anyone - except maybe you, who are very susceptible - having this chat with you ...

We know just your "reviews".
However, you know all about us: who we are, what we do, our models, blog, email etc...
A little asymmetric situation in a civil contest in wich the contestants can also get hurt!

And now, dear Joe, I would like to talk about your character, the character of the Joes.
There are various types of Joes: the protector of the weaks - the insane - the friend of the friend - the fake crazy - the playful - the protector of the strongs - the wise... and still others. Joes can not be uniquely defined, they are elusive, they are borning, working, disappearing, reborning, reproducing... We, who are passionate about 3D Warehouse, have seen lots of Joes...
In all this variety of Joes, there are, however, two recurring characteristics:
(1) the anonymity of Joe
(2) the apparent inconsistency of the Joe's "reviews"
(1) the anonymity of Joe
(2) the apparent inconsistency of the Joe's "reviews"
I wanted to emphasize apparent because, as sees also a child, most of the Joes are not naive, crazy, least of all stupid: often they very clever, they understand much about modeling, and I would even get to say say that in some cases they are good modelers.

To become a Joe is very easy, all people can do it - kids, adults, men, women - at no cost in a few minutes with the following simple procedure:
- Sign up for Google (zero cost)
- Subscribe to 3D Warehouse (zero cost)
- Choose a USERID, eg "Joe" may be fine, but you can use any other USERID, even if already present among the civilian users of 3D Warehouse (a facility, this, granted by a few community of users)
- There is no need to create any 3D model, rather, it is best do not create any 3D model
At this point Joe can start your life as Joe: to write apparently inconsistent "reviews".

But then, you still have other options:
- At any moment you can change identity, choosing another USERID, even among those already existing
- At any moment you can modify or cancel any or all of your "reviews", both in stars as in comments: no trace anywhere will remain of your previous "reviews".
The only constraints that will be imposed to Joe (unfortunately every freedom has its limits!) are the following:
- Joe (like all other user) can not change the "reviewer code" initially assigned to him(*)
- every time Joe (like all other user) updates a "review", the date of the "review" is automatically updated and his "review" passes "on the top of the stack"
(*) as you know, Joe, your "reviewer code" is 108668434651907390916 and appears in your reviews searches URL:
Of course, if you were to publish any model, here it will make manifest another code for your models; this new code is different and not connected to the "reviewer code" [in a "public way"]: it is for this reason that nobody can know who you really are, if one (but which one?) of the many modelers that are called Joe, or if you are yet still another Joe...
Of course, if you were to publish any model, here it will make manifest another code for your models; this new code is different and not connected to the "reviewer code" [in a "public way"]: it is for this reason that nobody can know who you really are, if one (but which one?) of the many modelers that are called Joe, or if you are yet still another Joe...

But I realize, Joe, that I'm wasting my, your, his, her, etc. time with all these things you shall know already, and much better than me! You also know that, given these simple rules, you'll be granted a complete freedom and impunity: and you know well how to use them!

From what we have said so far, Joe, you would think that your presence is not appreciated in 3D Warehouse - but this statement is not true: if it is true that every time someone raises some timid protest, it is also true that in other case someone else seems even share your thoughts.
But do not worry, one thing is certain: the mass of honest modelers fear you and your "revenges".
Joe - Joes - I finished, and let you go to work.
Enrico Dalbosco (Arrigo Silva) - Padua, April 7, 2013
Looking here and there for "Reviews" a bit... original and made by USERID a bit too widespread or a bit original - I compiled a list of probable "Joes" - I hope that I can publish this list without offending none - but if someone considers himself offended, he readily has to tell me, and I will remove him immediately.
Looking here and there for "Reviews" a bit... original and made by USERID a bit too widespread or a bit original - I compiled a list of probable "Joes" - I hope that I can publish this list without offending none - but if someone considers himself offended, he readily has to tell me, and I will remove him immediately.
The following list is updated at the time of writing this article, in particular the names of fake users may change tomorrow and anytime, and Joe might even unsubscribe (I wish) or change its USERID in a new original USERID or even in a USERID already existing, maybe mine or yours...
Joe, August 10 2011/April 6 2013/100 "reviews"
Matty, October 8 2011/March 14 2013/3917 "reviews"
Pepito-NEVADA, July 2 2012/July 4 2012/61 "reviews"
Jack, March 13 2012/September 9 2012/ 2 "reviews"
Absolute Idiot!, August 10 2009/24 "review"
Jack M, May 9 2010/July 18 2012/137 "reviews"
Quelo, April 15 2008/1 "review"
Pj, May 3 2012/1 "review"
Z@keR!@H!!!, December 7 2010/August 30 2011/313 "reviews"
Hah9595, July 26 2011/August 5 2011/43 "reviews"
SupSap, July 31 2009/October 21 2009/89 "reviews"
SuperLePoulpe, July 19 2011/November 17 2012/5 "reviews"
etc. etc. etc.
